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UbiGK Mod Supports
DLC Map Pack for 3DM
Exclusive Map Previews
3D Models
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Vote: -1
I am very excited about this.
Lets hope the reviews for this are favorable.
heck I am very excited about this.Lets hope the reviews for this are favorable.
Are you taking the opportunity to announce this release in conjunction with the release of Act 2?
I think it would be a good PR move to include Act 2, and yes, it's the second one.
R. Liao
I find the first DLC has some awesome reviews, but the writing is a bit low. And the gameplay (meh)
Karena Welsington
I never play the MP, but I have enjoyed the story modes and enjoyed what I've played. Would love to get some more of that!
This is still going to be a great game. But I am concerned about the release being at the same time as the second DLC as the main story will carry on well after that.
Vote: +1
Nemesis Bongard
This DLC is one of the best CoD 2s and Treyarch has ever done
Gavin Smith
It's actually quite a clever move by Ubi, although I'm sure some will be disappointed at losing the No-DVD release. I doubt many will go out of their way to get it, but it's a step in the right direction towards a different market.
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